
Stay the Night

Why not turn your beachside dining experience into a getaway? Choose from one of our beachfront sister hotels right next door.

La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club

This iconic resort offers the perfect blend of recreation and recreation.

La Jolla Shores Hotel

The go-to beachfront haven for a laid-back retreat.


Every night brings a new combination of tides and sunsets. The ideal time to see the waves fully crash on the windows is during our High Tide Dinners or when the tide is higher than 6ft. You can view a high tide chart here for high tides that occur during our normal business hours.

We do not currently offer a High Tide Brunch option

During select dates of the year we will open the Marine Room to accommodate additional guests who want to witness the incredible power and majesty of Mother Nature. These dates are reservation only and include special menus. Check here for more info and dates.


Make a Reservation